Name of Workshop:

Second World War (Military and Home Front Themes)


  • Tour of the Museum – Second World War Themed
  • Helicopters in Action Show
  • Interactive Dressing Up and Handling Session
  • Guided tour of the 1940’s House
  • Guided session on Propaganda Posters
  • Free time to explore with Logbook Trails
Key Stage/s:

Key Stage 2

Curriculum Links: 
  • History – Significant events and people
  • History – Study over time tracing how several aspects of National history are reflected in the locality
  • History – Study of an aspect of history or a site dating from a period beyond 1066 that is significant in the locality
  • History - Understand chronological framework
  • History – A significant turning point in British history ie first railways or Battle of Britain
  • History – Significant events and people
  • History – Demonstrate use of historical terms
  • History – A local history study
  • History – Ask questions and notice connections
Group Size:  30/40/60

Year 5/6 had a fantastic day at the Army Flying Museum. We absolutely loved exploring the Museum and learning more about World War II (which is our topic). It was really cool to see all the planes, gliders and helicopters, and so many original artefacts from the past. We particularly enjoyed the Helicopters in Action Show which had flashing lights, and sound and wind effects.  We would love to go back one day and would recommend it to anyone!

Avondale School