Name of Workshop:

First World War

  • Introduction to the First World War Displays
  • Object Handling Session – real and replica
  • Craft – Make your own Bi-Plane to take home
  • Visit to the Army Flying Memorial


Choice Of:

  • Tour of the Museum
  • Royal Flying Corps film


Helicopters in Action Show is available on request

Key Stage(s):

Key Stage 2

Curriculum Links:

  • History: Significant events and people
  • History: A study over time tracing how several aspects of National history are reflected in the locality  
  • History: A study of an aspect of history or a site dating from a period beyond 1066 that is significant in the locality
  • History: A significant turning point in British history, for example, the first railways or the Battle of Britain
  • History – Understanding Chronological framework
  • History – Significant events and people
  • History: Demonstrate use of historical terms
  • History: A local history study
  • History: - Understand the importance of different sources to our knowledge
  • History: - Ask questions and notice connections
  • Art – Produce creative work
  • Art – Improve mastery of art and design techniques, including drawing, painting and sculpture with a range of materials
  • English – Listen to poetry
  • English - Learn to appreciate rhymes and poems
  • English – Understanding a range of fiction, poetry, plays, etc

Group Size:



The children had a wonderful day. Thank you so much for hosting us.

Clarendon School